Get Involved!

We are glad to see that you are interested in our association and that you wish to join us in our mission. A quick glance at our Code of Values will give you a good preview of our defining values. We are looking forward to getting to know you, regardless of your background!

Since we have an ambitious vision, it is important that this vision is supported by every member. For such a project it is necessary that the burden is distributed evenly and independently on several shoulders. Therefore, it is a prerequisite for your cooperation that you are a member of our association. This membership is could be understood as a "leap of faith" which shows that you are determined and that you want to support us in the long run. You can find out how to become a member here.

We have three different types of cooperation relationships or memberships at 3 E’s 4 Africa e.V. :

As an active member you have certain rights and obligations. You can vote at general meetings of the association and can, for example, elect the board of directors or stand for election yourself. You also get access to our digital infrastructure. In return, we expect you to participate in the work of the association actively and responsibly. Furthermore, you have to pay an annual membership fee. According to our Constitution , this is determined at the general meetings and currently amounts to the following annual fees, depending on your occupation:

  • Employed persons: 60,00 €
  • Unemployed persons, students, trainees, pupils:: 20,00 €

To become a member, one is required to undergo our application procedure .

A sponsorship or Sponsoring membership is an option for those donors who would like to make a regular financial contribution, but who cannot or do not want to actively participate in the work of the association. Sponsors are also kept up to date on the developments of the association and can participate in the general meetings. However, they are not entitled to vote at the latter. 

Wenn Sie an einer Fördermitgliedschaft interessiert sind, dann laden Sie bitte den hier verlinkten Antrag herunter, füllen ihn als PDF aus und schicken uns die von Ihnen unterschriebene Version an

Download: Application-for-Sponsorship.pdf

Note: If you would like to send us your support automatically via SEPA direct debit mandate, you will receive the page 3 mentioned in the application as a reply to your e-mail, as we have to assign an individual mandate reference number in this case.

A sponsorship or sponsoring membership can be applied for by a person, another association, or a company. The amount of the sponsorship as well as the frequency is determined solely by the sponsor. If only a one-time financial support is to be provided, a donation is the appropriate form for this.

A sponsorship can be converted into an active membership on the part of the supporting member as well as on the part of the board. The board or the sponsor can decide to convert the sponsorship into an active membership. In this case, an application process might not be necessary, provided that the sponsorship has already existed for at least one year and there is a good reason for this assessment. Otherwise, one is required to undergo our application procedure .

This form of membership is not linked to any financial contributions by the honorary member. Like the sponsor, the honorary member has no voting rights at the general meetings, but is informed regularly about the developments of the association. 

This form of membership cannot be applied for. It is awarded by the Board of directors of 3 E’s 4 Africa e.V. to members of the African project partners and idealistic supporters, both on the African and the European side.


Please find below which steps are necessary to become a member. If you are not yet familiar with our different types of memberships, you can familiarize yourself with them here .

The application process to become a member of 3 E’s 4 Africa e.V. includes the following steps:

To create a solid basis for a possible membership, it is essential that you are familiar with our vision and that you have familiarized yourself with our values and our association profile. If you have not already done so, please read the following sections of our website carefully:

We are strong advocates of flat hierarchies and uncomplicated work processes. However, we have a clear and comprehensive association structure in order to handle all tasks as efficiently as possible. We do not work according to titles, but rather according to areas of responsibility.

If you have completed step 1 and are sure that you want to join us, then please think about which skills you would like to support us with. What are you particularly good at? What do you enjoy doing? What would you like to learn? Together we will find the best way for you to use your skills for the vision of the association and have fun doing so.

Please send us a short e-mail to We would like to know your name and the position you are applying for. Alternatively, you can write that it is an unsolicited or initiative application. Wenn wir deine E-Mail bekommen haben, melden wir uns zeitnah wieder bei dir. Wir freuen uns schon darauf, dich kennenzulernen!