ACAIC 2022 Ghana

African Climate Adaptation Innovation Challenge


GHS prize money

The African Climate Adaptation Innovation Challenge, coordinated by 3 E's 4 Africa in close collaboration with local partners GAYO and Start.Up Lounge Africa, is a project targeting the innovative young African changemakers to encourage and empower them to make a difference in their communities.

It is a project idea competition with the aim of developing innovative, sustainable and economically feasible ideas for local adaptation to climate change and helping participants turn them into real solutions. The first edition of the ACAIC will take place in Ghana in 2022.


Phase I
Deadline: 14 April 2022

Please submit applications exclusively via the provided form, which can be accessed with the "Apply now!" button above. An idea is sufficient for an application as long as the criteria mentioned at the top of the page are met.

Phase II
May 2022
Announcement of the selected projects

Of all the applications submitted, the 15 best will be selected for the ACAIC Accelerator Programme in summer 2022. Various aspects are taken into account, such as the ecological and social added value of the idea, the composition and motivation of the team as well as the feasibility.

Phase III
Juni - August 2022
ACAIC Accelerator (Online)

8-week online programme with one session (training or workshop) per day (1.5 - 2 h). There will be a total of 4 session days per week (Mon, Tue, Thu & Fri). The fifth day (Wed) is free and intended for internal exchange between the members of the individual project groups. Min. 70% of the sessions must be completed for successful participation.

Phase IV
Directly after completion of Phase III
ACAIC Pitch (Ghana)

Final presentation of the developed project idea in front of a jury of experts in Ghana. Participation on site is required to win the prize money. The three best projects selected by the jury will receive GHS 10,000 (3rd place), GHS 20,000 (2nd place) or GHS 40,000 (1st place). All participants will receive a certificate for their participation in ACAIC.

Phase V
September - December 2022
Evaluation and reporting

The implementation of the projects and the use of the prize money will be reviewed and evaluated. A final report will also be prepared. 


The ACAIC programme consists of trainings and workshops as well as coaching sessions and P2P sessions between mentors and participants. A total of 4 main modules make up the ACAIC curriculum and programme. Each module has its sub-topics that will be part of the various training sessions of the curriculum. These modules are:

Climate change adaptation & sustainability

Empowerment & community relevance

Soft & human skills

Product & business development



Sicherstellung des fachlichen Bezugs im Hinblick auf Anpassung an den Klimawandel und Durchführbarkeit vor Ort.

Stärken: Praktische Kenntnisse der lokalen Herausforderungen und Kapazitäten in Ghana.


Coaching und Mentoring mit Fokus auf Entrepreneurship.

Stärken: Inkubation von Projekten und deren Umwandlung in echte, rentable Unternehmen.


Zuständig für die Finanzierung und Koordinierung des ACAIC.

Stärken: Vernetzung von verschiedenen Stakeholdern und Organisation.

Green African Youth Organization

Anpassung an den Klimawandel und Durchführbarkeit vor Ort

Start.Up Lounge Africa

Coaching und Mentoring mit Fokus auf Entrepreneurship

3 E's 4 Africa

Finanzierung und Koordinierung des ACAIC

Financial Support

This project would not have been possible without the generous support of the organisations listed here. On behalf of all involved, we say thank you and look forward to further cooperation!

cdw Stiftung

Vielen Dank an unseren Partner, die cdw Stiftung, für ihren großzügigen finanziellen Support!


Vielen Dank an unseren Partner, ISC3, für ihren großzügigen finanziellen Support!

Project Profile

18,000.00 € - fully financed! 100%


  • Country: Ghana
  • Region Virtual/ Accra (hybrid)
  • Project abbreviation: GHA-001
  • Project start / project end: Mar 2022 - Dec 2022 
    (8 week ACAIC Accelerator: June - August 2022)
  • Project budget: appr. GHS 140,000.00 
    (appr. € 18,000.00 exchange rate as of 01.03.2022)
  • Public subsidy:
  • Scholarship per person: n/a
  • University: n/a
  • Local partners: Green African Youth Organisation (GAYO), Start.Up Lounge Africa
  • Number of students: t.b.a.
  • Supervisor: n/a
  • Mentor: n/a
  • 3E4A-Coordinators: Nele Adade, Contimi Kenfack Mouafo